In compliance with Network Rail’s NR/L3/OHS/0046 The Reporting, Investigation and Recording of Safety and Sustainable Development Events and Close Calls within Infrastructure Projects, all contractors and designers working across the UK’s rail network are obligated to report on and manage Close Calls to successful close out.
A Close Call is defined as anything that has the potential to cause harm or damage, compared with an incident that has already occurred and so reported separately.
For example, if a trip hazard is spotted it can be reported as a Close Call because someone could trip over it. If someone actually trips because of the hazard, it is then classed as an incident.
Close Calls include the potential to:
Harm a person including minor, major injuries, and fatalities
Harm the environment and/or protected species
Damage railway infrastructure, plant, vehicles, tools, equipment, systems and information
As safety is everyone’s responsibility, contractors, designers and members of the public are obliged to report Close Calls if they see something that could cause harm or damage and where possible follow these three steps and document them.:
Recognise – Could it cause harm or damage?
Respond – What can you do?
Report – Always report Close Calls
Interested in discovering how eviFile can make Close Call reporting and repairs easier for your rail projects?
Contact us today to learn more.
eviFile Limited
The West Wing,
Bowcliffe Hall,
LS23 6LP
Feel free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message